Agriculture for the future
Biodynamic agriculture today. 90 years since Koberwitz
The ‘Agricultural Course’ held in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner gave a new impulse for the development of agriculture: a holistic agriculture, which uses a modern approach to work directly with the life processes of nature and thus opens a new perspective on the future cultivation of the earth came into being. Since its beginnings, 90 years ago, a worldwide movement has emerged. In this book competent authors describe the development and diversity of the biodynamic agriculture movement: The historical development – The farm as an organism – Scientific research results – New methods of research – Fertilization, composting, biodynamic preparations – Landscaping – Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture – Seed breeding – Constellation research – Bees – Wine – Nutrition – Demeter, a worldwide label for biodynamic produce – Training – Social farming – Social design, land law and new forms of marketing – Outstanding examples from all continents.The documentation provides an overview of the key ideas of biodynamic agriculture and the variety of ways in which they have developed in the worldwide biodynamic agriculture movement in the 90 years since Koberwitz.
Seiten: 288 Einband: kartoniert Erscheinungsjahr: 2014 Abbildungen: mit Abbildungen Produktsprache: Englisch ISBN: 978-3-7235-1512-9 Lieferbarkeit: lieferbar
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